Before the pass, there were several miles of road construction, and the pilot car got away from us. It was all gravel, and there was quite a bit of heavy equipment working that we had to drive right along side of. The speed limit was 35, but we couldn't go that fast as they stopped us at the bottom of a hill - I've never seen a pilot car that lost its trailing cars before! We did the best we could, but before the end of the construction zone we had our windshield cracked by a rock, even going as slow as we did. People always worry about cracking their windshields when they go to Alaska, but more people crack them in the lower 48, I think! Well, we got it done early, so now we don't have to worry about doing it in Alaska - ha.
The crack didn't show up right away, so we didn't know we had it until we got into Buena Vista, when it all of a sudden showed up about a foot and a half long. Buena Vista is a nice town, alongside the Arkansas River, where there is quite a bit of rafting, and surrounded by all the "college" peaks - Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc.
Leadville is really a neat little town! We only stayed one night, but someday we'll come back and do some more exploring in that area. We stayed at the Sugar Loafin' RV Park just outside of town. They were having an ice cream social when we pulled up! It was a nice place and the sunset was incredible. Leadville is over 10,000 feet in elevation, and so we had the alpine Belding's Ground Squirrels popping their little heads up all over, driving all the poodles mad. Well, one dog walker I met was having a hard time getting her pooch to get "down to business" on their walks because all it could think about was chasing those squirrels - ha. The vegetation, cool air, and scenery made Devin ask, "Where are we? Is this Alaska?" Not yet!
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