Sunday, July 15, 2007

Radium, BC to Jasper, Alberta - Kootenay/Banff/Jasper Parks

We drove from Radium, BC to Wabasso Campground near Jasper, Alberta today, and took so many photos! It was just a beautiful day, with spectacular scenery, as we traveled the Icefields Parkway from Banff to Jasper. Our day's drive took us through three national parks - Kootenay, Banff and Jasper! Along the way we saw a bear, glaciers, lakes, rivers in amazing colors, waterfalls, and incredible mountains.

The Wabasso campground was pleasant, and our campsite was near the Athabasca River. We took a bypass to get here - which was a fairly narrow and bumpy road after the smooth highway, but nice to be on a quieter side road in the beautiful Jasper National Park.

Here is a slide show of some of the highlights:

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